Friday, 30 November 2012

Husband Material?

Current Stat
weight: still fat
body fat:  same
daily caloric intake: 1500kcal
water: 2 liters
  work out: work what???? (I said 1/12/12, dammit!!!) 

A few days ago, as I browsed through my twitter timeline judging all of you and feeling self righteous, I came across an interesting tweet. And I quote;
"If you're female and you have a hairy chest, mustache and big yams(calf muscles)'re a HUSBAND material (20 yards) by default"
        This was funny to me and got me thinking about female bodybuilders. I want to be well toned and I have every intention to lift heavy. Now, when I say toned, I mean, I still want to look like a female with curves and all but i'm pretty sure this is the first thing that came into your minds at the first mention of "female body builder".

LOL!!! The "lady in green" is funny to me. Sexy swim suit. GRRRRRRRRR.

          OK jokes apart, that's not what I want oh. These women are what i'm sure that guy meant by "husband material". But come on guys, look at the bright side (or in their case, the bright curve. LOL! I'm funny, leave me alone), they will have very obedient/faithful husbands and disciplined kids + aristo-girls repellent . Because, if that leg should kick you....K.O...........FATALITY!!

My goal is to look like the women below (but with bigger tatas) by the time I get to my goal weight. I think they're sexy and I admire strong looking women. 

On a serious note though, the poster below says it all. So guys, what do you think?

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